
WHY BECOME a pilot

Explore the benefits of an aviation career with Kilo Charlie Aviation

The Best Office View Available!

It is always sunny at 45,000 feet.

You Were Meant for More

Not everyone is made for working in an office or staying in one place–what if you were made for more? With an aviation career, you can travel the world while enjoying the numerous pilot benefits most airlines have to offer.

The first step to becoming a pilot is finding a pilot training program that works for you. Since 2020, Kilo Charlie Aviation has trained tomorrow’s pilots, preparing them for a successful aviation career.

Explore the Benefits of Being a Pilot

Ability to Travel

If you want to travel the world, you won’t find better views than the ones from the cockpit. An aviation career will take you places you never thought possible.

Median Salary of $200,000

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for pilots, co-pilots, and flight engineers was over $200,000 in 2023.

Great Benefits

Most airlines offer excellent benefits for pilots, including health insurance, retirement plans, and travel discounts for friends and family. 

Job Security

There’s a high demand for pilots amid a shortage in the aviation industry. Over 600,000 pilots will need to be trained between 2023 and 2042 to keep up with demand. As a student at Kilo Charlie, we’ll walk you through the airline profiles to find the next step in your career.

Becoming a pilot doesn’t have to be a distant dream. With the training program at Kilo Charlie Aviation, your dream can become a reality. There are many benefits to becoming a pilot, from the salary to the flexibility and work/life balance.

Live the Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of

Is It Worth It to Become a Pilot?

Aviation is a growing field and there’s a high demand for trained and experienced pilots. Not only is a pilot a rewarding career with numerous growth opportunities, but the median salary for a pilot is over $200,000 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

At Kilo Charlie Aviation, we provide everything you need to succeed in your future career–but don’t take our word for it. Read some of the testimonials from our graduates below!

Book a Discovery Flight at Kilo Charlie Aviation

If you want to discover what it would be like to train at Kilo Charlie Aviation, book an introductory flight in Kansas City. As you travel through the skies with one of our experienced instructors, you’ll get a feel for what it’s like to sit in the pilot’s seat.

Trent Kinney

Trent Kinney

Senior Student Advisor

Our goal at Kilo Charlie Aviation is not only to be the best flight school in the Midwest, but the preferred flight school of pilots all over the U.S., and all over the world. Visit us today. We’ll show you why we are the fastest-growing flight school in the area

As Kilo Charlie Aviation's Student Advisor, Trent and his team of training advisors are your guide to beginning your journey into the world of aviation. Regardless of your background, they will assist you in charting a course to achieving your aviation dreams.

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